Anna Peschier


Hi there,

My name is Anna. Besides my job as an architectural historian, I love to create things, such as macramé plant hangers and paintings. I like the feeling of completely dissolving into the creative process and feeling free from daily thoughts. I am convinced that everyone who is having a good time while mindfully focusing on a creative process can make the most beautiful things. It’s always inspiring to share this passion with others. Every now and then i give macramé and painting workshops at small events and festivals in The Netherlands.

Making a sculpture

For a while now, I have had the urge to post some of my work on a platform, that’s why I created Sea of Hours. The name refers to several things, such as the Dutch expression “to have seas of time” (“zeeën van tijd hebben”) and all the hours I put into my creative activities. Whenever I feel like I don’t have time to pick up the brush and start painting, I like to think of the sea of hours that is ahead of me. In between the crashing waves, there is always a peaceful moment to float along with the creative flow.